IAA is a FAA Accredited distributor of commercial aviation products and components since the program inception in 1996.
Qualifications and Quality Control include:
FAA Advisory Circular No. 00-56B Compliant
Certified FAA Accredited Distributor since 12/20/1996
IAA Quality Control Program and Manual Established 1978
Fully Traceable Inventory
Aviation Suppliers Association (ASA)
ASA is a not-for-profit association with over 1000 member companies worldwide celebrating its 32nd year, ASA is dedicated to regulatory and legal matters such as safety, international compliance, and ethical business practices that impact the aviation parts supply industry.
IAA is a founding member and our President, Mitch Weinberg, served on the Board of Directors.
International Society of Transport Aircraft Trading
ISTAT currently represents more than 5000 members worldwide who are involved in operating, manufacturing, maintaining, selling, purchasing, financing, leasing, appraising, insuring or other activities related to the commercial aviation sector.